

Exploring Winter’s Natural Beauty Sitting Down
By: Amy Le

Snowmobiling is a winter sport that the whole family can partake in. Don’t stay in this winter. Alleviate cabin fever by exploring the white forests and snow covered meadows on a snowmobile.

Whether it’s riding through the tall, white forest or racing in an annual derby, snowmobiling is one of the few winter sports that all ages can enjoy. Invented in the Northwoods of Sayner, Wisconsin, snowmobiles have been around since the 50’s. The product was reliable, low priced and fast becoming an alternative winter sport vehicle.

Although the modern day snowmobile landed on the winter sports scene in the 50’s, the first snow bound vehicle was invented in 1924. Inventor Carl Eliason, operator of a general store in Sayner, called his creation the Motorboggan. “Eliason had a foot operation and just couldn’t get around as well as he would have liked”

Northern Action Magazine says the original machine incorporated many of the basic design principals inherent in today’s snowmobiles: a liquid-cooled engine, continuous-track and skis for steerage. It was propelled on a tractor-like chain by means of a motorcycle engine. The Motorboggan could maintain a speed of 40 miles per hour on the roughest kind of snow trail and could travel 70 miles per hour on lake ice.

 Dick Decker, president and founder of Decker Sno-Venture Tours says that, “Today the snowmobile is a sophisticated machine that can be vaguely compared to the modern motorcycle sleds, technically improved, and loaded with user-friendly options. While the first models required a moderated degree of skill to ride, the current machines are quickly mastered by most everyone.” With the snowmobile, people can now explore beautiful snow covered meadows without draining themselves of exhaustion. Adventure loving travelers can go to different areas of the world that were for the most part, inaccessible before these sturdy little vehicles were available.

Planning a cross-country snowmobile trip by yourself can be very difficult. The hassle of searching for rental shops, lodging and good meals can take valuable time away from your trip. Snowmobile travelers can even find themselves in a dilemma after riding hundreds of miles to the closest hotel, only to be told by the receptionist that there are no vacant rooms left. You don’t want to be left out in the cold - hungry, tired and lodgeless. Your best bet is to have a preplanned cross-country snowmobile trip.

Decker Sno-Venture Tours, one of the most recognized names in snowmobiling, coordinate and execute premier snowmobile vacations. Decker Tours offers packaged trips that explore the best winter areas from mid-America to the “Wild West,” along with well-established trips to West Yellowstone; Jackson Hole, Wyo. and the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan. Decker Tours have even expanded their trips outside of North America, offering two overseas packages to Iceland and Finland (

Once you’ve chosen your package trip, all you have left to do is have fun. There are no lessons involved. You don’t have to be an expert to operate a snowmobile. Hop right on, turn the handlebars and set off on your adventure.

If you are looking for something more short term, rather then an all out cross-country trip, private snowmobile rentals are available. An average rental goes for $125 to $175 and the renters can keep the snowmobiles for an entire day. No specialized gear is needed, but Gore-Tex snowsuits are recommended if you’re looking to stay warm and dry as you ride through thick snow patches.

As for safety issues, Audrey Decker, who helped to start the first “Women on Snow,” an all women, three-day trail ride at Eagle River in Wisconsin, believes “Snowmobiling is one of the safest winter sports out there. But problems of safety do arise when people are out on the trails drinking over their limit and dangerously speeding down the meadows.” Decker advises all snowmobilers, “Be smart and don’t put yourself in a dangerous situation.”

Snowmobiling is a winter sport that the whole family can partake in. Don’t stay in this winter. Alleviate cabin fever by exploring the white forests and snow covered meadows on a snowmobile.

For more information regarding cross-country trips, national trails and rentals, check out and

Interested in exploring the world of snowmobiling and discover the excitement it has to offer. Here is a list of websites for more information on snowmobile rentals, racetracks and tour companies: * 4124 W. Oakton St. * Skokie, IL * USA * 60076 Phone: (847) 736-6887
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